Light - Compact
A few informations for english speaking visitors
First of all: Hello, my name is Daniel.
So you've found this good-looking textonly website, but you dont understand a single word. In that case, it's up to you to translate my thoughts.
Maybe you did and you want to leave a comment, but you don't know how, or you're unsure if I accept English comments.
The answer is quite simple: you are welcome to do so.
To comment on an article, click the link at the bottom called Kommentar via Mail
, and your eMail program will open immediately.
A subject matching the article is automatically generated. The following information is also provided, which can be added voluntarily:
Dein Name: Your name
Dein Blog: Your blog
Dein Kommentar: Your comment
If you use the web interface of a provider instead of an eMail program, you can use the following e-mail address. In this case, add your details manually with a reference to the article you wish to comment on.
Please read and accept the terms of use before posting a comment.
I will publish your comment in accordance with the terms of use. In case you just want to say hello, you can reach me at the following eMail address.